Wednesday 3 May 2017

Link about Learning Styles

Use the links below to explore the way that you learn a bit more! 

Can you find any pictures or youtube clips that tell you more about your learning style?

What are a couple of real life examples of how you might learn best on the classroom?


  1. One of my learning styles is...

    That means I like to...

    A real life example of this in the classroom is....

  2. I am half visal half kinesthetic learner.

    I love looking at pitures and touching to learn.

  3. one of my learning styles is musical i like music while i wotk zaidyn

  4. one of my learning styles is visual.

    "i can see them splashing""so she is a visual learner" said the teacher.

  5. one of my learning style is Kinestheic learning

    that means I like sports,crafts,acting,balancing,fiddling around

    a real life example of this in the classroom is fiddling with my pencil,playing games,riggleing around and sports.

  6. one of my learning styles is mathematical .

    that means I like to do hard maths

    A real life example of of this classroom is you can recognize patterns easily .

  7. One of my learning styles is logical learning style [JACOB]

  8. i am half logical

  9. One of my styles is mathematical. I like to see people solve stuff to learn. I have seen a person solve 7 times 8 so I use his way to solve stuff out. Sosaia

  10. one if my learning is naturalistic.
    that means i like to play with pet and in joy nature.
    a real life example in the classroom is i keep going outside
    Diana gander to miss Muir

  11. one of my learning styles is kiesthetic

    that means i like to do sports,acting,fiddling

    a real life example of this in the classroom is wriggling on the mat duren class time. maddy

  12. one of my learning styles is mathematical that means i like to do maths a real life example is my brain my friends and my teacher.

  13. I am a interpersonal and verbal\linguistic type learner i'm most in the middle of all the first three learning styles

  14. one of my learning styles is kinesthetic.
    that means I like to (tuotuo) play around with things.
    a real life example is when I don't sit still on the mat.

  15. I most in the middle of the first three learning styles. chris

  16. one of my learning styles is interpersonal (social)
    that means I like to work in groups
    a real life example is when I do group work

  17. one of my styles is musical. I like to learn by using my body. I have seen a person play a key ta so that is how I learned to play the key ta. Gil

  18. one of my learning styles is visual.

    That means I like to look at stuff instead
    of just listening. For example when Mrs Muir explains something
    I need images to help me,Ishaan:)

  19. i'm a visual person who images a image

  20. kayla and zoe learning styles are means we learn with nature and being with animals

  21. one of my learning styles is naturalistic
